Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pamper Yourself During Your Pregnancy!

Discovering that you are pregnant will turn your life upside down, and while you focus on the new life which is developing in side your womb, you may also begin to realize that you needs are slowly starting to recede into nothingness. While some women may start to feel guilty about wanting to have their own feelings and needs met at this time, the good new is that you shouldn't! It is possibly one of the most documented facts that this is exactly the time when your every need, SHOULD be met. Did you know that studies show that having only 10 to 20 minutes a day just for yourself will not only help relieve your stress, but it will also help ensure your baby is happier and healthier as well.

6 Steps To Being Pampered During Pregnancy

1. Have a lavender foot soak. Fill a small plastic basin with warm water to which you add up to 5 drops of essential oil of lavender. Soak both of your feet for about 10 minutes.
2. If your toes are feeling a little sore, then you will enjoy this one. Place a 16-ounce soda bottle with water and put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen, place the bottle on the floor and roll your foot back and forth over the bottle to relieve aches.
3. Take an aroma therapy bath. Draw a nice comfortable bath, with a temp of no more than 100Deg F, and place 2 drops each of oil of neroli, lavendar and lemon, with 6 teaspoons of apricot kernel or sweet almond oil. Set out some candles, and just relax!
4. Cat Nap! Dust your pillow with French or English lavendar, and you may find that your cat naps become more refreshing than before.
5. Reduce Stretch Marks! Now, by pampering yourself a little you can also help to reduce stretch marks. Try soaking a wash cloth in warm milk, and gently apply to your stomach. Keep this up for around 15 minutes, and finish off a rich moisturizer.
6. Dry pregnancy skin. You will want to try this if you suffer from dry pregnancy skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub in your hands, elbows, heels, and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on for ten minutes, and then simply rinse with warm water.
So, after these really great pamper tips, you will more than likely be left feeling refreshed, and full of energy again!

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