Friday, June 10, 2011

The Chiropractor = the new family doctor? Why Dr. Natalie Wilson is my Family Doctor.

When me and my husband decided to have kids, I wanted to make sure I was perfectly healthy, not only "in shape" but also had correct body alignment and posture to be able to carry a baby. Dr. Natalie Wilson, Chiropractor and owner of Full Circle Chiropractic, located inside of Beach Fitness, knew about our plans and told me to come see her. I have always been suspicious about Chiropractors and thought they handled people like machines, just going around from person to person cracking necks. My first experience with that was seeing a chiropractor in the area for my first time. I hated it and couldn't for the world understand why people went to see their chiropractors even several times a week! Little did I know that Chiropractic care could be anything else besides cracking and popping necks.

So with some prejudgements about chiropractors I met up with Natalie. And Wow! First of all, her appointment is not 5 minutes laying on tables next to other people so when I laid down in her quiet room and got a massage I was amazed. She told me that a lot of women carry a lot of stress in one point that has to do with conceivement. She pressed on that and it was pretty intense and tender. She corrected my spine, my alignment and told me that I was now ready to have a baby. One week later I did the test and guess what -- I was pregnant! Getting off my pills after 12 years, I thought at least it would take me 6 months to get pregnant but no, 5 weeks after I stopped taking them I was pregnant.
So I decided to see Natalie once a week during my pregnancy. The best choice I have ever taken to keep myself healthy during this stage of life.

So every week I saw Natalie and I looked forward to every time, it was MY time to relax and leave happy and energized. The more my belly grew the better it felt, Natalie knew exactly how I felt and fixed the aches and pains, and not only that, she had this amazing pregnancy pillow (a.k.a "my boyfriend" :-) that I could lay down on -- on my stomach! If you never been pregnant you have NO idea how it feels like not to be able to lay on your stomach for 9 months.... It's priceless!

In combination with seeing Natalie I also had my regular check-ups with my OB. I knew I was eating healthy during my pregnancy and was working out at Beach Fitness, but my OB was amazed with my overall health and fitness level throughout the whole pregnancy journey. I felt great during my pregnancy and each week I saw Natalie I addressed how I felt and she corrected and fixed my problems, even before they turned into aches and pains.

On August 17th 2010 our son William was born, weighing almost 9 pounds. Even though I had planned a natural birth at the hospital -- I was greatly disappointed when after 15 hours I had to have an emergency C-section. He was just too big so the C-section turned out to be the only option left for me. I had never in my life had a surgery so the recovery was a bit of a shock for me. During my recovery process I kept seeing Natalie for my regular checkups. She also saw William when he was only 9 days old. I was curious and a little scared of how she would perform chiropractic care on William and that was the most holistic approach a doctor could have to a baby, no needles or drugs. I found out during that appointment that he was a little bit out of alignment from the birth and the struggle coming out. She also asked which side William preferred to nurse on, because she could tell that he was eating mostly on the right -- I am still amazed on how she knew! So by correcting him she made him eat better on both. Here are a few pictures from his first appoinment:
Dr. Wilson and William, 9 days old, on his first chiropractic treatment.
Pressure points. I learned that a baby carries a lot of stress from the birth and the body needs to be aligned to grow properly.
Pressure points. William was completely quiet and loved it!
My family sees Dr. Wilson on a regular basis, now around once a month/every three weeks or whenever I have some sort of pains or aches. I can't tell you how many times she treated me, taped me and massaged me to make me feel absolutely great again! For example, when William had a cough for over a week I started to get a little concerned, so Natalie said - Come see me! She found a knot in his back, treated it and that same night he stopped coughing!

The reason why I wanted to share this with you today is because this December, I had an ovarian cyst that bursted. If you ever had your appendix taken out and the abdominal pain that it began with, you know what I am talking about. It is the most extreme abdominal pain that you can ever have. After 12 hours at the hospital I was treated and felt better - the cyst eventually dissolved and disappeared. Today I started feeling that some kind of pain again, but just for an hour. I went by Natalie's office and she immediately treated me -- thank you! -- and got massaged, aligned again and taped to comfort my lower back.

I begin to realize how important my treatments with Natalie are and I also realize that she is my new family doctor. My husband Bryce and I, see her more than any other doctor -- in fact -- she is the only doctor we see! I have never been taking any sorts of medication, not even Advil and I like to keep it that way. I want to set a good example and in the future have my own kids treat their own kids in the same way, without chemicals, drugs or unnecessary surgeries.

Thank you Dr. Wilson for making my family so healthy -- in a holistic and natural way!
/Annika Turner
William, 9 months, hanging out with Dr. Wilson's daughter, Adele, 6 weeks old, at her office.

If you want to book an appointment with Dr. Natalie Wilson, email her at 
or call (562) 665.1479

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