Between the ages of 21-26, I could not figure out why I was suffering from fatigue, poor digestion, skin irritation, and stomach issues on a daily basis. At least 4x a year I would get sinus infections, ear infections, bladder infections, and migraines. So much was happening to my body that I felt I simply could not catch up. I tried to lead a normal life being very active and always exercising but I realized that after years of ignoring my symptoms, they clearly would only worsen. During this time I must have been to the doctor at least once a month. I saw every type of doctor known to man, asking for referrals to a doctor who could actually help me, and literally thousands of dollars later I ended up going home with no answer which for me was completely unacceptable. I was continually told to take these medications and it would fix my problems. I was always told that, "These things happen," basically allowing me to believe that all of my health problems were normal. I knew deep down that all of this was not normal. I was not well, always feeling not to my highest potential, and I wanted that to change. The biggest concern came when I literally stopped getting my period. My body at this point was shutting down, revolting, and begging me for a change. I had no idea where to start, mainly because I didn't really know what the problem was. I only knew of the symptom. I kept medical logs of my symptoms so that eventually I could piece together my issues like a puzzle. That took much longer to achieve mainly because the doctors I was seeing also only knew how to treat my symptoms and never suggested how I could get well in general. I took it upon myself, as many Americans have to do in this day and age, to be my own doctor. I had to start looking at what I was doing on a daily basis that could possibly contribute to my symptoms and that was FOOD.
I noticed that when I woke up and ate, I felt great! I usually would workout or dance on an empty stomach just because I always felt so good with nothing in it. After my workout, I went for coffee. Immediately, the bodily issues would begin. It was always tricky for me, because mentally I was always happier with coffee, who isn't? But about an hour or two later, I would start my daily ups and downs. I would be high from the coffee, and then hit a real low leading me to become exhausted. So, I would have my lunch which usually consisted of some kind of soup and salad. Turkey, breads, and some kind of high sugar drink. I would get high... and then crash again. That led to my afternoon coffee at starbucks. At this point in the day, I was a wreck. Not only did I crash yet again but now my stomach felt like an open wound and every time I would put something in my mouth I was deepening that wound. Because I felt so bad, I always tried to do the healthy thing and have a light but nutritious meal so I would make a tofu salad with lots of cheese, croutons, and veggies. By the end of the day, I was spent. I would put myself to bed, miserable, and just wanting to wake up the next day where I found it starting all over again. I started to think, maybe it's the milk? My solution to that was to substitute my milk with soy milk in every coffee. However, the saga continued. There were some deeper issues going on and I was set out to figure it out!
I just wanted to be healthy! I just wanted a day that I didn't feel over worked, tired, and sluggish. Even my body looked sluggish. Some days I literally looked pregnant my stomach was so inflamed! FINALLY, after years of trying to figure out what other foods could be hurting my stomach I found a holistic doctor (who understood that the body works as a whole and not just symptomatically), who put it to me straight. He said, "Laura, not only are you addicted to sugar, but the soy substitute you have chosen has now messed with your thyroid being that it is high in estrogen and that is most likely why you are not getting your period, slowing your metabolism way down, and by the way you are allergic to gluten!" Ha! REALLY? How much can a girl take in one day? My response, "Okay so does this mean I can no longer eat my daily frapaccino that I clutch onto like a bottle every day?" He responds "Yes that's exactly what it means, but I promise in a few wks. Not only will your body thank you but you will be in such a happier state of mind!"
He was right! As I kicked and screamed all the way to the grocery store, 2 wks (actually 2 days) later I felt amazing! I actually didn't look pregnant anymore, and I had an amazing sense of mental clarity! Besides the fact that I felt good so I was driven to work more, work out more, and just be a better person! Oh and did I mention I loved the way my body felt? I was not over weight but it always seemed I had 5 lb. to lose and this certainly did that for me! So, I at this point I was gluten, dairy, and soy free. It REALLY threw me for a loop because no longer was I able to be lazy about my food choices. I had to actually think. I had to look at food the way I exercise and make sure that everything aligned correctly with my body. What I realized through all of this is that there are good foods and bad foods and just because what I hear could be healthy for me sounded right, I had to take responsibility and investigate if that was actually true. I had to research what is soy, and why would it not necessarily agree with my body. What is gluten and dairy, and what can I eat as an alternative? Are processed foods really something that I really want my body to be metabolizing or is the real food better for me? And, how much sugar am I actually eating? Am I really basing ALL of my foods on sugar or sugary like foods? I realized it was food that had taken my health to one end of the spectrum and so it was up to me to go to the other end to try to find a balance in my life, mentally, physically, and as a result spiritually.
Once I learned about the foods and how they can either help or hinder the body, I felt confident in my food choices and how I can nourish my body with the proper foods. I started eating much more quinoa, amaranth, and millet as my grain choices. I found out that these choices are actually better for anyone anyhow, even if there isn't any kind of sensitivity to grains. The reason is because they are slow burning carbs that don't ask your body to stress to process. It was more gentle to my system, giving it a chance to function at its normal state again. I completely did away with milk and cheese as I learned how congesting they are to the gut which is the main reason for my sinus issues. As an alternative, I drink almond milk. Almond milk has so many wonderful benefits starting with the good oils from the nut and is better protein source than cheese anyhow. A concern of mine was, where would I get calcium from? The answer: vegetables! LOTS OF GREENS! I started juicing. I went green crazy! Kales, chards, spinach, salad, green beans, asparagus, and peppers were my go to vegetables. I really was shocked at the information I found on soy products. I thought soy was so good for you. The truth is that organic raw soy does have some benefits especially when fermented, however, the way it is made in this country really is not whole, totally processed, and grown with heavy GMO's. This is definitely something you do not want to put in a healing body, or any body for that matter. I realized the difference between sugary foods and not sugary foods. I researched what an alkaline diet was and what foods would keep my body alkaline. I couldn't believe how far from normal I was basing my diet.
The biggest benefit to starting to lead a gluten/dairy/soy free life, besides actually feeling like a normal human being, is that it allowed my body to detoxify for once in my life. I had so many years of putting crap into my body, it needed a BIG spring cleaning and I am so happy I stuck with it. Today, it is a lifestyle choice for me. I am thrilled I now have this knowledge to provide my family and future children with. Everyone is better off and we are proud to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent sickness later as a result of it. I am not going to sugar coat any of it though. I want you to know that nothing is perfect and that no one choosing to change their food habits the way I did should expect perfection. I have been eating this way now for almost 6 years and I still am learning more and more. I failed many times, learned from the mistake, and tried again. You are one step ahead of the game just thinking about eating healthier and your body will thank you for it. Just as the doc promised me that I would feel better, I promise you will too! I'll leave you with this great saying someone once said to me, "Your body, much like the car engine, requires the right kind of fuel to run at peak performance."
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