Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Incorporating breath

Looking for the safest ways to exercise during pregnancy? Laura Adams, our specialized prenatal/postnatal Pilates instructor will teach you how.

Typically, women have some preconceived notions from a quick Google search about the do’s and don’ts of Pilates during pregnancy, or a quick phone call or email to their doctor who will most likely respond by allowing their patient to continue doing what they were doing before. At BeachFit Moms, we want to educate and help women during this very important time. We're happy to be incorporating pre and post pregnancy fitness! With this work, we now have the latest knowledge on how to best prepare the mother and baby for a successful birth and how to understand the changes of the body from the beginning of the pregnancy to post labor.

As women, we are so lucky to be able to explore new opportunities and be able to take the best care of ourselves and our children. During pregnancy it is very important to have a safe fitness program. We, as students and teachers, should remember that when the body endures great changes such as pregnancy, we also need to adapt to these changes both physically and mentally. As our hormones change with pregnancy, so should our workouts in order to prevent any complications along the way. We have many months to be able to adapt to these changes, and each day should be seen as a new day, tuning into the body and taking a mental scan to notice how these changes are occurring. Hormones play a vital role because of the way they soften the body by preparing the mother for child birth. This means that we must take into consideration that naturally the rib cage will begin to open, the lower back is a bit more vulnerable with its forward tilt of the pelvis, and our shoulders may begin to round forward a bit. It is very important to work with these natural changes and not try to change what nature intended. Because of these changes, completely eliminating flexion of the torso by lying supine is critical. This will allow the already weakened abdominal muscles to not overstretch as the uterus is beginning to grow upward toward the rib cage. It is possible that if the rectus abdominus muscle is too weak, or too strong, a Diastasis-Recti can occur. A diastasis-recti is a spilt of the rectus abdominus muscle. Understanding these crucial points of pregnancy, we, as students and teachers, can help so many mothers-to-be, and possibly even prevent complications during labor. From the first trimester to postpartum, the work is designed to realign the body for a successful birth.

Stability balls are a safe, effective, and creative way to transfer the Pilates mat work into an upright, seated, and easily accessible position. Using tools such as the stability ball will challenge the mother-to-be and maintain balance while strengthening the pelvic floor. Stability balls are also commonly used as a birthing tool during labor. This may help familiarize the mother with the ball if needed during labor.

In my classes, I always say, “Without the breath, you are cheating yourself of the workout.” Breathing is so important and should be your focus in your pregnancy workout. Deep abdominal breathing is used to effectively relax the pelvic floor muscles, as well as contract them. It is important to explain to your client that in order to be balanced in the body, we need to find a balance between strengthening and stretching muscles. We can do that through breathing. In pregnancy, a strong pelvic floor is very important to be able to support the weight of the baby to full term; however, we do not want to sit and do our kegels hundreds of times all day long. If deep abdominal breathing is done correctly, this is all that is necessary.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor or on a stability ball, take a deep breath, relaxing the abdominals into your hands. As you are inhaling, breath forward and down into the pelvic region. Exhale and feel your abdominal pulling away from the hands, lifting the pelvic floor up. This is a safe breathing technique for late pregnancy and can also be used to prepare for labor.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strengthen and tone your abdominals.

The abdominals are also an area of the body that needs to be toned and strengthened in a balanced fashion. Over working the abdominals while pregnant is just not smart. Finding a balance between stretch and toning the abdominals is the best way to keep the integrity of the abdominal muscles without creating imbalances in the body. Also, doing abdominal crunches in the traditional format while lying on your back is equally not worth the risk. More and more women today risk the chance of developing a diastasis-recti which is a splitting or parting of the recti muscles. Thankfully our BeachFit Moms program knows everything needed to keep your workout safe, healthy, and most of all fun!

Example of diastasis-recti:

Juicing -- the ultimate body boost!

Juicing is the quickest, most effective, way of providing the body with all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are essential for good health and increased vitality. You may be surprised to learn that it's not easy to achieve the recommended daily allowance of nutrients - not even if you eat fruit and take the time to prepare fresh meals with a good proportion of vegetables. Cooking for instance, although an invaluable tool that can increase the antioxidant activity of some vegetables, does reduce the levels of some enzymes and certain nutrients such as water-soluble vitamin B and C vitamins.

By fresh juices -- we do NOT mean the items labelled "fresh" in the grocery store.
Before we even get started this is important to know about juices that you are buying in the store. Juices in stores are watery processed liquids that have been packed in cardboard or plastic and are often full of chemicals, colorings and preservatives. Most of the pre-made juices have also been heated up 175 degrees for 20-30 minutes to extend their shelf-life, which means that most of the enzymes and nutrients have been destroyed in the process. These are not a substitute for real juice from the fresh produce section that you will make at home. We'll promise you that once you start juicing you will not go back to "conventional store bought juice".

Why juice?
Juices use raw vegetables and they also enable you to absorb large quantities of nutrients at a time. Once you get into juicing, the likelihood is that you will buy and consume a great deal more fruit and vegetables than before. You probably wouldn't have considered eating 1 lb of carrots a day but, within minutes, what would have previously seemed like a week's supply can be transformed into an 8oz glass of delicious juice that will have an almost miraculous effect on your well-being. Not only will that juice give you increased energy and strengthened immunity, it will flush out the toxins out of your body, provide the raw materials to help you heal more quickly and completely - and it is low calorie, practically fat-free and bursting with vitamins and minerals.

Fresh juices also provide essential enzymes and a concentrated source of the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E. Enzymes are the body's work force, acting as the catalyst for the hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions that take place every day - from the digestion and absorption of food to the production of energy - while the antioxidants get rid of excess "free radicals" (the rouge molecules that attack cells and tissues and are linked with heart disease and cancer).
Because they are so fast acting, juices act a little bit like a blood transfusion. During the juicing process all the fiber is removed from the vegetable leaving the vitamin and mineral-rich pulp that is then absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Within 20 minutes, this vital source of energy is nourishing the body's cells. It is good to juice the whole vegetable because the skin contains certain nutrients and bacteria that will help you digest the juice.

 Before you start juicing:
  • Get a juicer that is easy to clean. You should be able to put most parts in the dish washer.
  • If you are new to juicing, start out slowly. It is such a concentrated form of nutrients so adjust your stomach slowly.
  • It is always best to drink juices on an empty stomach, that way it will pass your intestine more quickly for an immediate boost.
  • Always wash the vegetables, cut off any bad parts.  
  • If you can, buy organic vegetables and fruits, if you can't -- again, wash them thoroughly.
  • Drink your juice immediately! As soon as the juice gets in contact with light, heat and air it starts to break down. If you put it in a thermos, or chilled in the fridge, you can keep it up to 4 hours, but drinking it immediately it's your ultimate option.
  • Vary your vegetables, don't overdose on certain ones. Mix and try out different ones as often as you can.
  • Don't mix fruit and vegetables -- it won't hurt you -- but by mixing fruit and vegetables your stomach is much more likely to bloat. Fruit and vegetables in combination starts to ferment (yeasty effect). It's better to do fruit juices by itself and vegetable juices by itself.
  • Vegetables (and spices) to juice:
    Carrots, beetroot, spinach, celery, parshley, garlic, wheatgrass, asparagus, ginger, lettuce, cumin, fennel etc. Coconut milk, pomegranate and cranberry can also be included because the exceptional benefits that they provide. When it comes to fruits -- anything you want, just use your imagination.

    Once you get used to juicing you might want to eat all you vegetables and fruits this way, that we do not recommend. Remember, by juicing you are getting rid of the fiber that is important for you as well. But in combination -- the ultimate body boost!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Losing weight or gaining muscles?

A normal pregnant woman gain around 30-40 pounds by the time she delivers the baby.
Of course, many of those pounds are shed when the baby leaves mom's womb for a hospital room. Breastfeeding mothers burn more calories but not necessarily. It all depends on your diet as well.
But generally, for new, breastfeeding mothers the key isn't so much losing weight as it is regaining muscle tone. Of course, if you've been exercising throughout your pregnancy – and you should – you'll be better able to jump back on the workout wagon. With all huge life changes, you need to regain your strength, establish a routine with the new kid, and then start thinking about working out.

To state the obvious, pregnancy plays havoc with your body. Not only have you gained two dozen or more pounds, your muscles have been stretched like a bloated hot water bottle and your energy reserve severely sapped. In other words, please don't expect to bounce right back and start scaling mountains. The first few months of tending to a baby is mountain enough. It will take some time for your hormones to get back under control and your muscles to regain strength. Start slowly and with consistency you can restart your pre-pregnancy exercise routine with the little one in tow.

Most moms have already passed the "baby stage".  The excuse of "well, I just had a baby.." is no longer valid when you're baby is crawling or walking. What I want you to do is, get undressed, take a look in the mirror and without any judging eyes (cause you did have a baby!), picture yourself how you want to look like. Most women don't want to look like super models, so don't overdo your imagination. First rule is to stand with good posture. Most moms carry their babies only on one side (that's why you're one bicep is really strong :-), most moms also have one shoulder higher up than the other because of the carrying. Just take a look at yourself and be proud of what your body have been through. Then, stand up tall, chest up high and correct your head posture so that your cheek bone is aligned with your collar bone. The first step to getting your body back, is as simple as that. A correct posture. But simple, doesn't necessarily means easy. Your muscles have been working differently (and are most often over worked) during your pregnancy and to hold a correct posture for a long time is getting really tiring. During the BeachFit Moms program we will work on many corrective postural exercises that will make you look instantly fitter.    

Whether you want to loose weight or gain muscles -- or in many cases both -- BeachFit Moms 6-week program will you give you all the tools needed for your "Big Comeback".
Since your baby requires a lot of attention and takes precedence over all else, you may have to be creative about how and where you sneak in your workouts. If you have child care, this is fairly easy; if you don't, you need to be more motivated. By taking the BeachFit Moms classes, you have no excuse. You'll have a great time with your baby and other moms & pregnant women, while getting in the shape you always wanted. By losing weight or gaining muscles, not only will it make you look better, but you will have tons more energy to live your life to the fullest!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to drink your water.

Water is the fundamental of our bodies. So make sure that you are drinking the best water you can. The American tap water is "approved" to drink but that doesn't mean it's a good choice. Although they usually provide good quality water, our water treatment plants are not always effective at removing contamination that may harm public health. Sometimes, certain pollutants, like rust or lead, can enter your water after it has left the water treatment plant. By filtering you water at home you will have a tastier and less contaminated option.

Remember, when you are drinking filtered water, many of the important minerals disappear. The easiest way to have the best glass of water you can is by adding a tiny pinch of Celtic Sea Salt in your glass. The water should not taste like salt at all so just a few grains of salt is enough. The salt easily dissolves.

 Here are some benefits by adding celtic sea salt to your water.
  • Celtic Sea Salts are a prime condiment that stimulates salivation, helps to balance and replenishes all of the body's electrolytes.
  • It provides renewed energy
  • It gives you a high resistance to infections and bacterial diseases
  • It supplies all 82 vital trace minerals to promote optimum biological function and cellular maintenance.
  • It balances alkaline/acid levels
  • It restores good digestion
  • The natural iodine in these salts protects against radiation, atomic fallout and many other pollutants.
  • It can aid in relieving allergies and skin diseases
  • And overall greatly reduces toxins and to help prevent ill-health
  • Properly stored, salt keeps virtually indefinitely. 
  • If you are pregnant, Celtic Sea Salt is your optimal choice and a necessity. Especially if you are having swollen feet or hands during pregnancy. You would think that by adding salt you will become more swollen -- but that is completely false! Instead, you are doing the opposite for your body, flushing toxins out and regulate your water level which will decrease your swelling.

Important! Add ONLY Celtic Sea Salt -- NOT regular table salt. Regular table salt lack nutrition and is highly processed.
So go to your grocery store today and buy your Celtic Sea Salt (Whole Foods and Trader Joe's have great option. BeachFit Moms recommends this brand (Celtic Sea Salt®):

Celtic Sea Salt® Brand sea salts are authentic, unprocessed whole salts from one of the most pristine coastal regions of France and are certified by Europe’s Nature et Progrès to follow their requirements insuring that they are free of pesticides, herbicides and harmful chemicals.  Celtic Sea Salt® is also certified Kosher by the Atlanta Kashruth Commission and by Beth Din de Lyon et de la Région. The production and distribution of Celtic Sea Salt® occurs in our organically certified facility.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pamper Yourself During Your Pregnancy!

Discovering that you are pregnant will turn your life upside down, and while you focus on the new life which is developing in side your womb, you may also begin to realize that you needs are slowly starting to recede into nothingness. While some women may start to feel guilty about wanting to have their own feelings and needs met at this time, the good new is that you shouldn't! It is possibly one of the most documented facts that this is exactly the time when your every need, SHOULD be met. Did you know that studies show that having only 10 to 20 minutes a day just for yourself will not only help relieve your stress, but it will also help ensure your baby is happier and healthier as well.

6 Steps To Being Pampered During Pregnancy

1. Have a lavender foot soak. Fill a small plastic basin with warm water to which you add up to 5 drops of essential oil of lavender. Soak both of your feet for about 10 minutes.
2. If your toes are feeling a little sore, then you will enjoy this one. Place a 16-ounce soda bottle with water and put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen, place the bottle on the floor and roll your foot back and forth over the bottle to relieve aches.
3. Take an aroma therapy bath. Draw a nice comfortable bath, with a temp of no more than 100Deg F, and place 2 drops each of oil of neroli, lavendar and lemon, with 6 teaspoons of apricot kernel or sweet almond oil. Set out some candles, and just relax!
4. Cat Nap! Dust your pillow with French or English lavendar, and you may find that your cat naps become more refreshing than before.
5. Reduce Stretch Marks! Now, by pampering yourself a little you can also help to reduce stretch marks. Try soaking a wash cloth in warm milk, and gently apply to your stomach. Keep this up for around 15 minutes, and finish off a rich moisturizer.
6. Dry pregnancy skin. You will want to try this if you suffer from dry pregnancy skin. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Rub in your hands, elbows, heels, and anywhere that feels dry. Leave on for ten minutes, and then simply rinse with warm water.
So, after these really great pamper tips, you will more than likely be left feeling refreshed, and full of energy again!

Chiropractic care during pregnancy.

Why should I have chiropractic care during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, there are several physiological and endocrinological changes that occur in preparation for creating the environment for the developing baby. The following changes could result in a misaligned spine or joints:
  • Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
  • Pelvic changes
  • Postural adaptations
Establishing pelvic balance and alignment is another reason to obtain chiropractic care during pregnancy. When the pelvis is misaligned it may reduce the amount of room available for the developing baby. This restriction is called intrauterine constraint. A misaligned pelvis may also make it difficult for the baby to get into the best possible position for delivery. The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively. 

What are the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can provide benefits for women who are pregnant. Potential benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:
  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Prevent a potential cesarean delivery
Located inside of Beach Fitness & Wellness Center, Full Circle Chiropractic has everything you need to achieve your health and wellness goals. Natalie M. King D.C. is a graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic of Los Angeles and is a member of the International Pediatric Chiropractic Association.  She enjoys working with pregnant women and children as well as treating patients of all ages. Dr King Wilson is Webster Certified.

For more information about chiropractic care contact Dr. Natalie King Wilson:
(562) 665.1479

Friday, April 15, 2011

Can I do Pilates while I am pregnant?

Many women find Pilates to be an excellent form of exercise before, during and after their pregnancy.  Pilates builds core strength which means you are focusing on your back, hips, shoulders and abdominals - all areas that are stressed quite a bit during pregnancy.  Strong back and abs mean better support for mom as her belly gets larger and heavier.

After the baby is born, Pilates is excellent to help get the body back into shape and return the abs to their pre-pregnancy shape and strength.
Another reason Pilates is so wonderful during pregnancy is that is easy to modify the exercises depending on your ability. Our certified Prenatal/Postnatal Pilates instructor Laura Adams will always give you modifications for exercises to fit your needs and ability.

Love flatbread pizza? Completely gluten, soy and dairy free.

Flatbread pizzas are so delicious, but can also contain a lot of calories and unneccessary fat and fillers. By making it at home, not only do you have control of what ingredients you choose, but it is so much tastier!

This is the easiest and healthiest recipe that you will ever encounter. I have been making this bread several times during the last month, it is amazing and so easy. Use it for your breakfast bread, for pizza, or cut it into small squares and use it as little crackers.

Completely gluten, soy and dairy free.

Gluten free flatbread
- 1 cup quinoa flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 eggs
- less than 1/2 cup water
Preheat oven to 400 F.

Mix the salt, eggs and flour together, add the water gradually so that it resembles a thick porridge, wait for a couple of minutes and then spread the batter on to a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Bake for approximately 20 minutes (middle of the oven), the time depends on how thick you have spread it. The thinner it gets, the faster it bakes. When I’m in a hurry or want a thinner crust I usually spread the batter very thinly and it bakes in 10 minutes.

Follow these easy steps:

Measure the flour in to a bowl.

Add salt and eggs. Add the water gradually if you want to be on the sure side. It should look somewhat like porridge.

Let it sit for a couple of minutes and then spread it on to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Here they are small, round and thin (perfect for breakfast or little toast). But you can can make them thicker if you want to make a pizza. Make sure you spread some olive oil on the baking paper, it will make it much easier to peel off.

Sprinkle some seeds, herbs, salt or olive oil on top if you want to. My favorite is celtic sea salt and olive oil. Or just leave it as is.

Bake for about 10 - 20 minutes depending on the thickness. If you are making a pizza, I usually make it into one big flatbread, and a little thicker so it could hold the toppings. I bake the bread for around 10 minutes or until it is almost done and then I take it out, peel the baking paper off and put my favorite toppings on.

Suggestions for sauce and toppings:

Sauce: pesto sauce, organic pasta sauce (roasted garlic, basil etc), olive oil tapenade

Meat -ground beef, sausages, small chicken cubes, salami, prosciutto
Vegetables - mushroom, olives, asparagus, roasted veggies, sliced tomatoes -- any vegetables you love!
Cheese - if you really have to. Parmesan, mozzarella - any organic cheese you prefer.

Put the toppings on the pizza and put it back in the oven, approx 10 min so the toppings get heated and the cheese melts. Take it out of the oven, sprinkle some spinach or arugula on top. Buon appetit!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you should turn yourself into a garbage disposal." /Gisele Bundchen

Supermodel, or not. We have to agree with what she says. This is a great opportunity for you to look into your nutrition. Don't stress about it, but slowly switch your diet into healthy (preferably organic) foods. Start by reading the labels of the things you buy. If you can't pronounce it, or it is simply to much to read on that label - it is NOT food. Vegetables, brown rice, meat (fully cooked) and fish (fish high in mercury should be avoided), fruit, nuts, eggs, whole-grain breads, oatmeal, pasta and dairy should be a part of your diet, as well as prenatal supplements such as folic acid. Dairy should ALWAYS be organic, really try to buy the best organic dairy product you can and watch out for bad and unnecessary fats, flavorings and fillers.

More info about what food to be cautious of:

And remember, just because you had your baby and you no longer need to worry about your baby's nutrition inside your belly, does NOT mean that you should stop eating healthy. At lot of moms loose their pregnancy weight very quick after delivery -- but a few months later they see that weight increasing again. Set the standard early on for your baby - choose the best food you can for both you and your baby.

The essential elements of an ideal pregnancy

Resistance training
Pelvic floor exercises
Core stability
Motivation/Mindset training

By joining the BeachFit Moms program all these components will be explained and performed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

FAQ’s about BeachFit Moms

New to BeachFit Moms?

If  you are ready to try a BeachFit Moms class you can contact us in many different ways:

Sign up online --
Go to the link below and sign up today. On the top menu click on "BeachFit Moms". Click "Sign Up Now". If this is your first time using our sign-up service, it is easy to create an account. With your account you (and only you) can access all your info at all times and easy track you packages and contact information.

Email -

FaceBook - comment on our page

Call Beach Fitness -  562-493-8426

BeachFit Moms Blog - Comment on our postings.


You can show up 15 minutes before the class and the instructor will be there to help you getting started.  Remember – first class is always FREE!

For pricing & schedule click here!

What does BeachFit Moms offer that is different from other Mommy & Me classes?
We all know that walks or cardio alone can only get you so far when getting in shape. Beach Fitness state of the art facility has all the equipment you will ever need to prepare your body for a baby, recover from giving birth or get your body in shape. By adding strength into your workout, not alone will it make you strong and lean, you will also burn more calories. Muscles burn more calories than fat, that is why strength is so important. Compared to other Mommy&Me classes, all our instructors are certified trainers and CPR certified.

By visiting our FaceBook page or our website on our daily basis you will get nutritional advice, mini workouts for the days when you are not attending BeachFit Moms, health advice, recipes and fun facts about what the celebrity moms are doing during their pregnancies and how they are getting back in shape.
Also – last but not the least – special discounts to stores around Seal Beach & Long Beach area. But only if you are a part of BeachFit Moms!

How is the class set up?
BeachFit Moms class is held both outdoors and indoors. We start by meeting up outside Beach Fitness facility for a 30 min cardio/leg workout together with your baby & stroller around beautiful Seal Beach Old Town, then we just roll our strollers and babies into Beach Fitness Group Fit studio for 30 min strength/upper body exercises incorporated with core and postural exercises and stretching.  We’ll promise your baby will love the entertainment of seeing you workout - or they will take a great powernap!

This is a class that will help you understand your body and how you can make it stronger and healthier during your pregnancy or when you have become a mom. By working out together with your baby, not only would you early on incorporate a healthy lifestyle for your baby, but your baby will love seeing you sweat and have fun!

What do I need to bring?
Athletic shoes, your belly if you are pregnant, and a baby and a stroller if you are a mom. It does not have to be a jogging stroller. Mats and all other equipment are provided at Beach Fitness. If you prefer to bring your own mat, just put it inside of the GroupFit studio right before class starts.

What do I need to know about bringing my baby?
You can bring your baby as early as you want, but we do recommend them being at least 6 weeks old. They should be sitting comfortably in a stroller for one hour. We are all moms or becoming ones so if you need to stop for any reason to soothe your baby, don’t hesitate. We are all here to help each other and have fun! Because we are spending half of the class indoors, you have everything you need at Beach Fitness facility (water, bathrooms, towels, microwave etc). The transition between outdoors and indoors will give you a quick little break to use whatever you need at the facility. You can, of course, during any time of the class, take a break if you need to.
You can always pick up your baby during our strength exercises and use him/her as a weight – guarantee they love it too!

Is 2 hours a week enough?
We’ll bet you already have a gym membership that you NEVER use, so 2 hours a week is plenty. You are getting a full body workout twice a week. By adding power walks and other soothing but efficient workouts such as pilates, you will be in the greatest shape of your life. We highly recommend our certified Prenatal/Postnatal Pilates instructor Laura Adams that is available Monday/Wednesday/Friday at Beach Fitness for personal training Pilates.  We also recommend Full Circle Chiropractic located inside of Beach Fitness facility. Natalie is a holistic chiropractor specialized in prenatal/postnatal/infant and children chiropractic as well as adult chiropractic care.   

What if …

…I’m trying to get pregnant? This is a great opportunity for you to create your perfect body. Even though you are not pregnant – yet –  doesn’t mean this class is not for you. By preparing your body for what to come, you will become strong and fit in this class. We all know that trying to become pregnant is a rather stressful stage – come join this class, sweat it out and relax your mind. Stress is never good for conceiving so when you are focusing on exercising your body, your stress level will go down.

…I’m pregnant? Congratulations! You are going through the most amazing experience that your body has ever been in. This is the perfect class for you. Pregnancy, especially if it is your first, can be scary because you are in the unknown. Your body is constantly changing and you need to be prepared for carrying around extra weight, delivering your baby and recover from it. This class will give you confidence, strength and knowledge about your body. Working out in moderation during pregnancy is never bad for your body – instead it will make you stronger and perfectly ready for the big challenge ahead of you. But what if you can’t do all the exercises in the class? No worries, the instructor will always adjust the exercise specifically for you. But most of the time you will be able to do them. Just remember, it is your body and you should listen to its need. If you anytime during the workout not feeling 100%, take a minute to rest. As pregnant, you may have aches and pains because its constantly changing mode. This class will release tension and aches but also build up your strength so you are perfectly fine carrying that baby in your belly for 9 months (it’s actually 10 months but who told us that?!) and then carry him/her in your arms. We are also focusing on postural exercises because of your body’s change of gravity. We guarantee that this class will do wonder throughout your whole pregnancy journey!

…I just had my baby? The best day of your life! Take your time to get settled at home with your new baby and addition to the family. Depending on what kind of delivery you had – you need to recover. We recommend 6 weeks for a regular, complication free, vaginal birth and up to 3 months for a C-section. Make sure that you have doctor’s approval when you want to start exercising. This class will help the process of recovery. By coming to the BeachFit Moms class, you will slowly turn your body into normal again. Any exercises that you are feeling great doing – you should do them. For every week you will feel better and stronger. The most important thing is not to be stuck at home and never exercise. Your body is built to move and recovery process will go much faster if you are moving your body and exercising. It shouldn’t be painful or brutal, it should be fun and relaxing and leave you energized. Some women recover really fast, some women take longer. This is a class for both of those women, it is not a competition, we are all different but we are working towards the same goal. To become healthier and happier moms!

…I had a C-section? Guess that little bundle wanted to try another path out? C-section demands a longer recovery process. It is absolutely crucial that you have your doctor’s approval to start exercising again after a C-section. Even though the scar on the outside has healed, there are still scars inside that require healing. You would know immediately if something does not feel ok. But just because you had a C-section doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. You can still walk and do many exercises for you upper body. Also, since your have been cut open, your muscles are working hard to attach to each other and operate normal. That numb feeling is nerves still trying to connect to each other. It is very important to make those nerves connect again. If you don’t do any core work, you will get that saggy mom belly and your posture will fail you and that’s when you get shoulder and lower back pains. During the class we are working on making that core - first back to normal – then stronger than ever. The six-pack will just follow.

…I’m breastfeeding? For your own comfort, you may wish to nurse before coming to the BeachFit Moms class. That way your baby is full and happy and your breasts will be comfortable during the one hour class. There are many questions regarding changes in breastmilk supply when you are working out, as well as the taste. This is different from baby to baby. But very rarely will exercising change your baby’s need for breastmilk. Recent studies showed no change in infants' acceptable of mom's milk an hour after exercise, even for the moms who exercised at maximum intensity. As long as you are keeping hydrated – you will be fine.

…I’m all recovered and ready to get fit?
You have come to the right place! Beach Fitness and Beach Fit Moms have everything you need to get in perfect shape – and be one hot sexy mama! You just don’t want your body back – you want it to look better then ever. Being pregnant gives you an amazing body awareness, no wonder most women look their best AFTER they had their baby, because if this new inner strength they get. Bring it on mamas – you are in for the ride! Are you tired of being a little saggy everywhere? Your husband will of course say you are hot – but you can’t stop pinching your fat and complaining about your “post body”. Well, then do something about it. Working out doesn’t only change your body but your self-esteem. Or maybe you want to get in the best shape of your life so you can have another one??? The sky is the limit. BeachFit Moms is the class for you.

What if it rains?
You live in Southern California – it never rains! If it’s raining, we will be indoors. Classes will then be held from 10.00 – 11.00am, (postponed with 30 minutes, due to a Spinning class that is taught at the Group Fit studio until 10.00am). We will let you know ahead of time if this time change is necessary due to rain. We will NEVER cancel a class due to bad weather, we’re just moving inside.

We advice you to have your doctor’s approval to attend this class. We never encourage woman to workout beyond their body’s own recovery process. If you anytime during the class feel fatigued, nauseous etc, please stop and take a break. We will always adjust the exercises for each individual depending on which stage you’re in so you leave happy and healthier!

What other services do you offer?
Besides attending BeachFit Moms classes on Tuesdays & Thursdays we encourage you to meet with Laura Adams (Pilates instructor) and Natalie King Wilson (Chiropractor) at our Beach Fitness facility. If you are attending the class you will meet and get information about their services. By using all three services (classes, pilates and chiropractic care) you will receive a complete awareness of your body and make it stronger and better than ever.

When you are a part of BeachFit Moms, you are also a part of Beach Fitness. For more info about Beach Fitness visit
Laura Adams - Pilates Instructor

Natalie King Wilson

Where can I get more information about BeachFit Moms?

BeachFit Moms - how the class is set up

Today’s mom wants to be fit, healthy and look amazing before, during and after her pregnancy. She wants to look better, feel better and be stronger than she has ever been. Long gone are those days where moms let themselves go and only prioritize their baby. We all know that a healthier, happier mom makes a happier baby and family!

BeachFit Moms is a one hour class specifically designed for pregnant women and moms. You only need to bring your belly if you’re pregnant, and your baby and a stroller if you’re a mom! With Beach Fitness state of the art facility you’ll have all the equipment needed to prepare yourself for your baby or get back in the best shape of your life together with your baby.

BeachFit Moms class is held both outdoors and indoors. We start by meeting up outside Beach Fitness facility for a 30 min cardio/leg workout together with your baby & stroller around beautiful Seal Beach Old Town, then we just roll our strollers and babies into Beach Fitness Group Fit studio for 30 min strength/upper body exercises incorporated with core and postural exercises and stretching.  We’ll promise your baby will love the entertainment of seeing you workout - or they will take a great powernap!

This is a class that will help you understand your body and how you can make it stronger and healthier during your pregnancy or when you have become a mom. By working out together with your baby, not only would you early on incorporate a healthy lifestyle for your baby, but your baby will love seeing you sweat and have fun!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Schedule and pricing

BeachFit Moms starts first week of May 2011. First week is FREE! So join us for one of the best workouts you can get while being pregnant or a mom.

If you are coming for your first class we recommend that you show up approx. 15 min before start time. We are meeting up right outside Beach Fitness Facility.

To sign up for your first class - email or call 562-493-8426


Mother’s Day week – all week FREE classes!
5/3 Tuesday: 9.30 – 10.30am.  FREE!
5/5 Thursday: 9.30 – 10.30am.  FREE!

After that:

Every Tuesday & Thursday 9.30 - 10.30am

First class always FREE! Bring your pregnant friend or mom and let them try it out for free.

Single class: $20

6 week package: $150

3 month package (12 weeks): $250

Important information:
All packages start the day of your first class and expire after the specific period of package time purchased (single class, 6 weeks or 3 months). You can start your package whenever you decide. Since this is a somewhat progressive class and we would like for you to reach your goals - packages bought cannot be transferred, refundable, nor can you put it on hold.

Welcome to BeachFit Moms!

BeachFit Moms was developed by the Beach Fitness Team: Annika Turner Certified Trainer, Laura Adams Certified Pilates/Yoga, and Dr. Natalie King-Wilson - Chiropractor. As new mothers and soon to be mothers, these 3 health and fitness professionals fused their disciplines with mothers in mind. They wanted a program that would be challenging yet encompass the holistic nature that encompasses a positive and rewarding experience.

BeachFit Moms gives pregnant women & moms the opportunity to workout in an environment that promotes healthy living for them and their children. With many fitness concepts in the industry that focus on the mom-child fitness, BeachFit Moms was created with the idea of getting REAL results by looking at 5 major components of health and fitness. These components are Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Diet/Nutrition, and Mind Body relationship. By combining all 5 of these concepts together in a progressive format you will not only see and feel results but you will learn how to live more fit and more healthy.

BeachFit Moms although sounds like a sweet class for moms and kids to get together, the fitness components of this program are focused on results. Results are reached by hard work and discipline. The workout portions of the classes will be challenging and you will be expected to push yourself and do your best. Workouts also include time for mother/child interaction, diet/nutrition coaching, stretching, and mediation.

Class sizes are limited in order to give proper attention to all participants. It is not our goal to dilute your experience but provide personal attention to your personal goals, achievements, questions, while keeping a positive environment for you and your child. All fitness levels are welcome and kids up to the age of 4. Special arrangements can be made for mothers that want to bring more than one child.